Sunday 12 December 2010

'Fly-By' Pictures of the 2nd Entrance

These 'Fly-by' pictures show the surroundings of the 2nd Entrance of the Station as well as seeing that the entrance itself is in the picture

Taken from across the road of where the other entrance (main first entrance) is placed. Here you can see that the entrance is surrounded by both nature (trees) and man-made material (buildings)

Another view taken from the same place as the previous shot but the only difference is that there's a 'information' board in the way

Both entrances are seperated by a road and we can see from this shot that on the roads, there are traffic lights and a crossing. For there to be a crossing that is very close to both entrances shows that it's easy for the people to get to one of the entrance easier

Taken from the same road as the entrance itself yet on the west side of the road. It's clearly visible that the entrance is minature surrounded by tall surroundings. Also, an angle of the entrance lift is caught on the left side of the photo

Here is a much clearer shot of the station lift which is located on the same road at the 2nd entrance of the station. This was taken from the same position as the previous photo above however moved slightly towards the left

This shot was taken from the west side of the station. This shows how long (size-wise) the station entrance is compared to its surroundings

Moving along towards the backside of the entrance, the entrance is still visible however construction work is taking place so may occupy part of the surroundings of the station

Standing, parallel to the face of the station entrance shows how small the entrance is compared to its surroundings. Also, it's noticed that the floor's pattern is going into the entrance's direction.

Here is a close-up of the pattern on the floor which leads up to the entrance

Monday 11 October 2010

'Fly-By' Pictures of the 1st Entrance

These photos show the 'fly-by' pictures of the first entrance of the station. This shows its surroundings and how the station is placed with all the other buildings.

From the righ-side angle. Showing the station is on a street where many tall buildings are visible; making the station entrance small.

Station seen from the right-side but from across the road. From this distance, it also seems small and is blended with the materials of itself with the other building behind it.

On the same road as before but a close-up.

Taken from the right side of the pavement but across the road. The station entrance is much visible as the background of it is all trees (nature)

Further along the pavement. The surrounding of the station entrance is trees but behind is more buildings. Mnay buildings are surrounding this entrance making the entrance very small.

Far along the pavement. The station is quite visible yet the scene is more focused on the road and the surrounding buildings.

On the same road as the station but not quite visible as there are many lamp posts in the way.

A side of the entrance. Material is see-through.

Pictures of Canary Wharf Station - 3rd Entrance

These pictures are showing the 'inside' of the third entrance of Canary Wharf Station which is the main entrance where most of the people enter.

View just before exiting through the barriers (from left-side). The escalators are at the centre with pillars lining the middle of the building. Therefore the cieling (building) is symmetrical.

Picture taken from the right-side of the station just before crossing over the barriers to the escalators.

Again another view from the right-side but focusing more on the cieling details - coming inwards to meet the middle pillars.

View just before exiting the barriers but from the middle section of the station or space. Proves that the building/station is symmetrical.

After exiting the barriers, view of the escalators (right-side)

Exiting the ticket barriers - view of the escalators that leads to the exit of the 3rd entrance. (left-side)

Closer towards the escalators. The right-side of the escalators (as shown) are the only escalators that allows the people to exit the station.

Left-side of the escalators. Only available for the people wishing to enter the station.

On the escalator approaching the exit

Another shot but more focused on the pattern of the station's roof.

View from the top of the escalators of the station.

The view of what is seen infront of me when I reach the end of the escalators (coming out of the station)

View of the station from the outside.

Monday 27 September 2010

Canary Station Overview - Google Map

Shots taken from Google Map shows how the station looks from a bird's eye-view...
Shows that the station is within the "nature" area and the outside section is only buildings
A far shot of the station showing the major surroundings and the enviroment features. We can see form this that many buildings surround it just as nature does.

A 'inner' shot of the area (from the first picture) showing the details of the "nature" area

A close-up shot of the area showing where in the "nature" the station is placed

Pictures of Canary Wharf Station Surroundings

These pictures are showing the surroundings of Canary Wharf. From seeing these, you can see that the community is mostly business people and that there are many tall buildings surrounding this station. The HSBC and Barclays tower are located here. This area tends to be a busy place.

Taken just outside the station

Taken at the right-hand side of the station (behind)

Taken just outside the station looking at the right pathway

Taken from the entrance of the 1st entrance

A zoomed-in shot taken from the first entrance's view of the lift

(Opposition) Lift to the station. This is inbetween both the entrances

This lift is located between the 1st and 2nd entrance of the station.

Standing opposite the 2nd entrance yet on the left-side

A zoomed in picture from the 2nd entrance's location

Pictures of Canary Wharf Station - 2nd Entrance

Within this post are shots of the second entrance of Canary Wharf Station...
Shot taken jus outside the entrance and behind it
Shot taken from across the road of the entrance. I was standing next to the 1st entrance. (Zoomed picture)

Shot taken just outside the entrance

View from inside the 2nd entrance (similar to the 1st entrance)

Pictures of Canary Wharf Station - 1st Entrance

The pictures below are photos of the 1st Entrance of Canary Wharf station. Here you shall see from certain angles of how this station is designed and the architecture features of it...
Entrance sign of the station

View of the 1st entrance - infront of the station (I was standing next to the 2nd entrance of the station)

Another shot of the station from the same position as before but a close-up

Entrance from the left-side angle of the station

Shot from the left-side angle viewing the back of the station

View of when entering the entrance. All is seen firstly is this ^^

When going down the escalators of the 1st entrance, this is seen from the bottom

Another shot as above whereas this is more "centred"

In the same level or position as the picture before however I moved towards the left and this is what is seen. As you go straight forward, there's another escalator that will transport you to the tube

In the same position as above but showing the escalators

Same level flooring but on the right side. This level shows the architecture features and the tube entrance (tube gates)

Same features and details as the picture above yet taken from the left side of the level

This is a shot of what is seen on the cieling as you're looking up.

View of the escalators