Monday 27 September 2010

Pictures of Canary Wharf Station - 1st Entrance

The pictures below are photos of the 1st Entrance of Canary Wharf station. Here you shall see from certain angles of how this station is designed and the architecture features of it...
Entrance sign of the station

View of the 1st entrance - infront of the station (I was standing next to the 2nd entrance of the station)

Another shot of the station from the same position as before but a close-up

Entrance from the left-side angle of the station

Shot from the left-side angle viewing the back of the station

View of when entering the entrance. All is seen firstly is this ^^

When going down the escalators of the 1st entrance, this is seen from the bottom

Another shot as above whereas this is more "centred"

In the same level or position as the picture before however I moved towards the left and this is what is seen. As you go straight forward, there's another escalator that will transport you to the tube

In the same position as above but showing the escalators

Same level flooring but on the right side. This level shows the architecture features and the tube entrance (tube gates)

Same features and details as the picture above yet taken from the left side of the level

This is a shot of what is seen on the cieling as you're looking up.

View of the escalators

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